International: +1-715-479-8881

Logistics is a phrase that has been co-opted by UPS, however logistics came into play during a recent international air ambulance mission by Travel Care Air. Recently Travel Care Air worked in cooperation with the US Consulate in Shanghai to help one of our citizens who suffered a stroke. The mission, which started on a Wednesday and ended with the safe return on that Friday, took quick thinking on the part of the Department of State and our dedicated staff.

The person in question in this international air ambulance mission was teaching English in China when he suffered a stroke where he was working, in the city of Yancheng. Because of his financial situation the US Consulate in Shanghai was able to obtain a loan to fund his trip back home.

The State Department contacted Travel Care Air soon after that. We were able to acquire an emergency visa for our international air ambulance nurse for a one-time entry into China. Once our nurse arrived in Shanghai around 2 p.m on a Wednesday he drove four hours to the patient in Yancheng. Upon arrival meetings were set with local doctors to assess the patient. Translators were able to communicate the needs of the patient with our nurse. The patient was then transported back to Shanghai and the patient, nurse and staff had a short rest. Our patient was sent off with a farewell from several of the Yancheng townspeople as well as several of the children who he taught.

While that was happening the US Consulate in Shanghai was working diligently ensuring the local hospital bill was settled and an emergency exit visa could be obtained for the patient to fly him back to the states. After a short rest our nurse and the patient were on a Delta medical escort commercial flight non-stop to Seattle. After a brief stop over they boarded a flight from Seattle to Phoenix and returned the patient.

An international air ambulance trip that began on a Wednesday afternoon in China ended with the safe return of the patient that Friday, thanks in part to our dedicated nurse who worked nearly around the clock during the process, as well as help from the US Consulate in Shanghai officials. The patient is now under the loving care of family and we wish him well on his recovery.

This is just one example of the international air ambulance services provided by Travel Care Air. As you can tell by this story you can trust your care to us in your time of need. We have the dedicated staff who will work around the clock for you and we have the proper communication channels with the right officials. For more about our international air ambulance services and for travel tips follow us on Twitter.


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