International: +1-715-479-8881

Travel Care provides several different air ambulance services. In addition to our private jet options we offer medical escorts. You may have heard the term before, however what does a medical escort mean? If you need help traveling, in short a medical escort provides the medical tools, personnel and anything else you need for your flight.

Medical escorts are available in non-emergency situations. It’s a more cost-effective way to travel for someone with medical conditions or needs than a typical private air ambulance, however not everyone can fly using a medical escort alone. Typically it depends on your immediate needs, what type of medical equipment you need to travel with, your age, overall health and medical condition, etc. However if you are considered fit to fly, a medical escort can save you a lot of money.

A medical escort is provided on commercial airlines. The airlines have their own rules and regulations, however most airlines all over the globe have procedures to provide for medical escorts. The commercial flight is fitted with a stretcher (if required) and a privacy curtain for the patient. Some medical escorts are provided by the airlines, some are self-employed medical professionals with all the qualifications to provide health care to people in need who want to travel. Medical escorts are located all over the globe and provisions are made based on the patients needs. In most cases a nurse will fly with the patient, however it is not uncommon for a team or several doctors to come on the flight.

What Are the Advantages of Travel Care’s Medical Escort Over a Commercial Airline’s Service?

At Travel Care our medical escorts are experienced, vetted and professional staff that will work with you though the entire travel process. That means using an air ambulance company gives you an advantage, as we will handle all the ground arrangements (if you need an ambulance), book the flight(s) and secure all the equipment and medications you may need. We will communicate with your doctor to get a health report and history to better care for your needs. We’ll also take care of the little things like check-in, tickets, luggage checking and handling and securing wheelchairs. Think of the medical escort as your personal concierge, ready to assist with your medical needs at a moment’s notice, however also there for your personal ease and comfort.

Travel Care takes pride in its medical escort services. To book a medical escort, or to learn more about this affordable service, please request a free medical escort quote. For more on our services, travel tips and health advice, follow us on Twitter.


Looking for reliable air medical transport? Contact Travel Care Air for transparent air ambulance services without hidden fees.

Whether you need medical transportation or specialized air med care, our expert team is available 24/7 to help you find the best transport solutions.

Fill out this simple contact form, and we'll get back to you within 15 minutes. Or call us - US/ CANADA: 1-800-524-7633, International +1-715-479-8881

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