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A lot of times Congress, or the government as a whole, is criticized for being ineffective and gridlocked. In most cases, this complaint is valid. However recently The US House passed a bill that will help emergency professionals to care for people in need, especially children. The Hatch-Matheson bill that was recently passed is a re-authorization of funds for emergency medical treatment for children. The bipartisan passage of the bill will help to ensure those of us in the medical transport industry will be able to give children the care they need.

The passage of the bill was overwhelmingly bi-partisan 410-4, and has been sent to President Obama for his expected signature. The bill is a continuation of the Emergency Medical Services for Children program, which is entering its 30th year. The program is the only federal program dedicated to improving emergency medical care for children.

The funds in this bill will ensure that all emergency medical services are given to children regardless of where they live, go to school, or travel. This bill is an especially important need for medevac professionals who have to transport children frequently and deal with international issues at times.

Children often present unique challenges for medical transport crews and having the tools we need for success is vital to the survival of a child in need. The Emergency Medical Services for Children program’s continuation means that grants and infrastructure is available to states to help with emergency treatment for children.

The Hatch-Matheson legislation was penned by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Jim Matheson and is expected to further improve children’s health care throughout the country. In addition to grants and infrastructure improvements to help first responders, the bill allows for the re-authorization of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network, National EMS Children Data Analysis Resource Center, National Pediatric Readiness Project as well as several other organizations that work to help children in immediate need. Most of these additional grants will be used to improve procedures and protocols for treating younger patients.

At Travel Care Air we applaud the passage of this bill and the continued effort to improve children’s health care. Our medevac team is happy that states will have the tools they need, which will help our medevac professionals to be prepared when we are called.

Travel Care Air’s medevac team is ready at a moment’s notice to help any child or adult in need of medical transport. For more information about our medevac services and for more health care news please follow our Pinterest boards.


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