International: +1-715-479-8881

October is National Liver Awareness Month. This month focuses on the importance that the liver plays in our human biology. National Liver Awareness Month also raises awareness of liver diseases and how to fight them.

Liver donors are needed now more than ever. Currently there are over 17,000 Americans on a wait list for a new liver. The typical wait time to receive a new liver in America is 145 days for an adult, and 72 days for children. Liver transplant can extend lives. About 70 percent of transplanted livers will function for five years or more, and the number goes higher if the liver came from a living person. But how do you receive the liver that you need, especially if you are out of range of proper care, or enough donors?

An Air Ambulance Can Help You Receive a New Liver

If you need a liver transplant and far away from a hospital that can perform the surgery, you may need an air ambulance. You may also want to use an air ambulance if you need to travel to receive a new liver but are too ill to travel on your own. The air ambulance will help because you will be in constant medical care throughout the journey to the hospital. The air ambulance can also assist you after your surgery, making sure you and your new liver have a safe trip home to recover. You may be flown home, or to the hospital of your choice for recovery. Bedside to bedside services from one hospital to another receiving facility will ensure a speedy recovery under guided medical care. Either a commercial or private air ambulance would be of help in this situation, both to and from the hospital for surgery.

An Air Ambulance May Transport a New Liver

In some cases the donor of a liver that you need is far away. Instead of flying you to receive the liver, you may elect to have an air ambulance fly the liver to you. The air ambulance will transport the liver to you under safe, sanitary conditions that will ensure a healthy liver upon it’s arrival. This type of service, in addition to transporting the patient, gives those in need of a new liver the ability to expand their search.

Communication is Key For Liver Transplant Travel

It’s important to communicate with the air ambulance company prior to your needs. Do research and contact the air ambulance company to let them know they need to be ready when a donor becomes available.

Those companies, like Travel Care Air will be able to work with the hospitals to ensure proper conditions are met, and work with you to ensure the fastest possible trip. You’ll also be able to work out any insurance issues and find out how much your health insurance plan will cover. Knowing that information in advance gives you piece of mind, allowing you to focus on getting well. The company may even be able to help you search for a new liver

To learn about our liver transplant services please request a free air ambulance quote. For more about our company, like us on Facebook.


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