International: +1-715-479-8881

In one of our past blogs we went over the comparisons between commercial and private air ambulances. Both offer something unique and sometimes one is not necessarily better than another. Typically if someone is able they will use a commercial air ambulance because it can be more affordable. If you would prefer to use a commercial air ambulance to get where you need to go you probably have lots of questions about logistics, staffing and comfort. Here is most of the information you need, and answers to the most commonly asked questions about commercial medical transport.

What is a commercial air ambulance? A commercial air ambulance is a typical commercial flight by an airline that accommodates someone with specific health needs. In our case you would hire our nurses to travel with you if you are ill or injured to ensure you receive whatever medical care you need throughout the flight.

Do I need to hire you or go through an airline? Travel Care Air will take care of all the booking arrangements for your commercial fight. We will help ease the stress of travel by working with the airline(s) to take care of the logistics like:
– Getting the proper medical clearance.
–  Coordinating flights and connecting flights (if applicable).
–  Working with the airline to assure any family traveling is with you on the flight(s).

Does a commercial transport include bedside to bedside service? Much like a regular air ambulance flight, a commercial medical transport can include bedside to bedside service. We will work to ensure the receiving facility and ground transportation is ready for you, or your family member, upon landing.

Will I have enough room to be comfortable? Yes. On a commercial flight several rows will be blocked off so there is enough room for a stretcher and any medical equipment. All commercial transports are fitted with an FAA-approved stretcher. There is also a privacy curtain so we can take care of your needs in a private setting. There will also be enough room for any medical equipment and staff to be at your side.

Can a commercial fight be arranged on short notice? Short notice can be difficult with commercial transports. Usually a commercial flight can be booked in about 5 days. Sometimes it takes more time. The main causes for the length it takes to plan is coordination with the airlines. If it is an international commercial flight it can take longer to coordinate everything than for domestic flights.

Is a commercial air ambulance available anywhere? In some cases this type of service is limited. Some airlines are not equipped to handle the medical tools an air ambulance flight needs. Other times countries have restrictions on commercial transports. It’s best to contact us to find out for sure if a commercial air ambulance is the right choice for you, depending on where you are traveling.

Do I need to provide medical information? Much like a regular private flight we will obtain any medical records from the patient and health professionals so that we can make sure we take care of your specific needs.

If you are considering a commercial air ambulance we are available anytime to talk with you to help you understand your best options. Fill out this form for a free quote request, or to learn more about commercial air ambulance services.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest news, plus travel and health tips!


Looking for reliable air medical transport? Contact Travel Care Air for transparent air ambulance services without hidden fees.

Whether you need medical transportation or specialized air med care, our expert team is available 24/7 to help you find the best transport solutions.

Fill out this simple contact form, and we'll get back to you within 15 minutes. Or call us - US/ CANADA: 1-800-524-7633, International +1-715-479-8881

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