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The most recent air ambulance mission conducted by Travel Care Air is one of the more unique trips that we have undergone in our 30+ years in business. We had the honor of helping the Deimeke family bring home their daughter Molly who was recently injured while traveling in Bangkok. The trip home for Molly spanned several different countries all in a very dramatic 24 hour period for her and her family as well as our air ambulance staff. Behind the scenes local and national media and the help of friends and total strangers lifted the spirits of everyone involved.

Deimeke was traveling in Laos and was injured when she fell off the back of a cab. She had no ID but the friends she made would eventually track down her hotel information and make sure that she was taken care of and her family was notified. Deimeke suffered serious head trauma as well as broken ribs, and was eventually transported to a hospital in Bangkok for care.

Her mom made the trip to Bangkok to be with Molly however the family knew they wanted her back home so they could have a less difficult time caring for her. The family reached out to us about our air ambulance and the trip was set up to bring Molly home.

While we were coordinating with the family to set up the air ambulance local and national news began getting word about the injuries suffered by Molly and the cost it was going to take to bring her home. Friends and family set up the “Love for Molls” fundraiser to help the family with the costs associated with bringing her home. The outpouring of support from everyone from close family and friends to total strangers has thus far raised over $26,000 however it is still a long ways from the goal.

The family booked the trip and on Thursday our air ambulance journey began. The trip would eventually lead to stops in four different countries and three different states before reaching its destination in St. Louis, Missouri.

At 8:30 am Bangkok time the air ambulance left and would eventually reach Manila in the Philippines later that day. Then the next air ambulance flight reached its destination in the Marshall Islands before reaching US soil in Honolulu Hawaii. The air ambulance mission then went to Salinas California and finally at 5:00 am Friday morning Molly and her family were reunited in St. Louis.

Remarkably enough, this air ambulance mission was only a half hour off its scheduled arrival time of 4:30 am. Considering all the stops along the way and the logistics of the trip the staff and everyone involved at each airport should be commended for the job they did.

Thanks to the care of the air ambulance staff at Travel Care, Molly is home getting the care she needs with her friends and family by her side. Her journey is far from over, however, and the family needs your help. You can help Molly’s family by donating to the “Love for Molls” campaign today. Visit the link to the campaign here.


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