International: +1-715-479-8881

2016 was our 36th year in continuous operation. 2016 has been another successful year for Travel Care Air. As one of the foremost international air ambulance companies, we have had the honor of flying thousands of air ambulance flights. In 2016 alone we have been to dozens of countries. This year we had the honor of helping dignitaries from various countries around the world receive health care. We’ve helped everyone from top level government officials to everyday folks in need. We have flown private jets and been able to help those in need on commercial flights.

Here’s just a small sample of the places where we’ve flown air ambulance missions this year:

We started the year in January, in the United States most popular city, New York where we began an international air ambulance mission to Singapore. We spent most of February helping patients in need in other countries. We flew two air ambulance missions overseas in February, including trips to Mumbai and Guatemala.

During the spring this year we were able to spend some time in Hollywood. We flew two missions out of Los Angeles helping people in need return to Chicago and Cabo, respectively. We also flew another international air ambulance mission from Kuwait to Edmonton in Canada. We returned to Canada later in the summer, flying a mission from Peru to Calgary.

This fall was a busy season for our air ambulance team. We continued our strong relationship with the Mayo Clinic by flying a patient from the Minnesota hospital home to Saudi Arabia. It was one of two international missions in the fall to the Middle East. Our second air ambulance mission to the region was later in the fall, transporting a patient from Georgia in the United States to Dubai.

2017 proves to be another exciting year for our air ambulance company. Travel Care Air continues to help people in need all over the globe. While we know needing an air ambulance can be a scary moment, you will understand quickly how well we will work with you to make the process as simple as possible.

We will continue to provide you with unparalleled personal service that you just won’t find anywhere else. You can tell just by our trips this year that we are familiar with helping people in need all over the globe. From navigating language issues to passport needs and more, Travel Care Air is here to help with much more than your medical needs. We are proud of our accomplishments in 2016, as we have been every year since we began in 1980. However we are just getting started. We hope you have a fantastic, safe holiday season with family and friends.

Be sure to stay up to date with our latest missions, travel tips, health tips, air ambulance news and more! Follow @TravelCareAir on Twitter for the latest from our team!


Looking for reliable air medical transport? Contact Travel Care Air for transparent air ambulance services without hidden fees.

Whether you need medical transportation or specialized air med care, our expert team is available 24/7 to help you find the best transport solutions.

Fill out this simple contact form, and we'll get back to you within 15 minutes. Or call us - US/ CANADA: 1-800-524-7633, International +1-715-479-8881

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