International: +1-715-479-8881

Air ambulances are available for a variety of patient needs. Most people think of the helicopter air ambulance in rescue operations, however that’s just the tip of the ice-burg of all the reasons why people will need an air ambulance. Here is just a sample of all the different uses for air ambulance services:

1. Trauma victims. People who suffer head injuries in remote areas will often use an air ambulance to get to the hospital, or return home to receive care.

2. Transplant patients. If you need a transplant you may be able to use an air ambulance if you are unable to travel far distances for surgery. In addition….

3. Organ donations. Sometimes the patient who needs a transplant will have an organ flown by air ambulance from somewhere in the world. Air ambulances are used to keep the organs safe for operation.

4. Traffic accidents. Believe it or not, sometimes an air ambulance is able to reach a victim in a traffic accident faster than a traditional ground ambulance. Helicopters are typically flown to the scene of the accident where the patient can be safely transported to the hospital.

5. The elderly. Sometimes the elderly will use an air ambulance if they are unable to travel without medical help. Air ambulances help the elderly be able to visit family or receive the best care.

6. Bedside to bedside patients. Some patients need medical attention around the clock. If patients are being transported to hospitals or to receive home care, they will use an air ambulance to ensure medical care remains consistent.

7. Travelers. In rare cases people traveling in another country become injured and want to come home to receive care. An air ambulance will bring them from anywhere in the world so they can get better around a support system of family and friends.

8. Rural patients. In some parts of the country, and the world, there is not access to great health care. Typically people in remote areas will use an air ambulance to get the proper health care in a more populated area.

9. Disaster victims. People trapped in hurricanes or other natural disasters will use air ambulances to be rescued or for recovery purposes.

10. General travel needs. We have received calls from people who are unable to travel on their own, and need medical help. But they want to continue living their lives so they use us to travel safely. Some examples of this include family traveling to a wedding destination, last wish travel, etc.

11. Medical tourism. People shopping for the best price on a surgery globally will use an air ambulance if they need to travel somewhere for medical care.

12. People stranded. People who suffer an injury in a remote area will use an air ambulance to get to a hospital. This is similar to traffic accident victims and commonly applies to people injured while hiking or camping in remote areas.

13. People injured doing winter activities. We get a lot of calls from people who are injured in snowmobile accidents. People who wreck will often need to be transported via an air ambulance to the hospital, because most of these injuries happen in wooded areas.

14. Cancer patients. People will often travel to the best cancer centers and use an air ambulance along the journey (there or back home) to make sure they can safely visit any cancer center in the country (or world).

15. People who need Advanced Life Support. Travel Care transports include both basic and advanced life support. That means anyone who needs breathing or other vital assistance while traveling can fly in our air ambulances.

16. Spinal injury victims. People who suffer mobility injuries and need to travel can use an air ambulance (commercial or private) to receive the care they need anywhere in the world. This service is also helpful for rehab, if a patient prefers a specific hospital that is not nearby.

17. Family needs. Sometimes a family will decide it is best to have a loved-one closer to home. An air ambulance can be used if the person is medically unable to travel to the location on his/her own.

18. Burn victims. People who suffer bad burns, due to a house-fire or other fire will often be transported by air ambulance instead of ground ambulance to get to the hospital faster.

19. People needing medication. Aside from basic or advanced life support, some patients just need specific medications applied by health professionals. Those people will commonly use a commercial air ambulance to ensure they receive the care they need, while continuing to fly with the general public.

Those are just a few reasons why people call us. If you are in need of care, please feel free to request a quote from us today!


Looking for reliable air medical transport? Contact Travel Care Air for transparent air ambulance services without hidden fees.

Whether you need medical transportation or specialized air med care, our expert team is available 24/7 to help you find the best transport solutions.

Fill out this simple contact form, and we'll get back to you within 15 minutes. Or call us - US/ CANADA: 1-800-524-7633, International +1-715-479-8881

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